Motivation Mob

Motivation Mob

Make More Mistakes

August 28, 2018

Make more mistakes. If you want to be successful at anything, and in any area of your life, you need to embrace the power that mistakes can give you. Obviously there are several different things that will ultimately contribute towards your success, and focusing on one thing alone is not enough to give you that success, but having said that, there are things that will greatly improve your odds of succeeding, and there are other things that will drastically reduce them. Making more mistakes is just one thing that can help boost your chances of success.

I do not mean that you should carelessly do things without considering what could go wrong. I am not telling you to be reckless. Quite the opposite. I am suggesting to you that you should not fear making mistakes, you should not fear failing. The only true way to fail is to give up. If you do not give up, you have not failed. If you do not succeed, you learn something. Either you succeed, or you get feedback.

If you want to succeed, do