Motivate Me! with Lynette Renda

MM555- Say No to Negativity
Hello, everybody, and welcome to this week’s episode of Motivate Me!
It’s Me! Time here on Motivate Me! and we are working on coming back from flat.
Before we start, let’s get into the right headspace. Let’s engage in the idea that this is time where YOU are the priority. Let’s take two slow, deep breaths to get us centered. Just follow me.
Today’s focus is: Say No to Negativity
Nothing is more detrimental to our goals and our mental health than negativity. And in order to make change in our lives, we can’t allow naysayers and emotional drainers and doubters to dissuade us or invade us.
Before we get started today, let’s talk about what negativity is and where we often see it.
The Oxford English Dictionary’s definition of negativity is “the expression of criticism of or pessimism about something.”
First let’s talk about a few obvious places we can easily spot negativity, and then we’ll talk about why it keeps showing up in our lives.
First: The Internet
As much as I love the Internet, it’s an absolute breeding ground for negativity.
- People come on intentionally to antagonize others - and sometimes even to “troll,” as they say, which means to post inflammatory statements just to watch people fight
- People are cruel to each other - they say things to people they probably would not say in
person (Or at least I hope they wouldn’t!)
- People judge each other and their opinions or actions harshly (without even knowing
details to a person’s story)
- People log on to “rant” or “vent” (I can tell you right now, if a post starts with either of
these words, I scroll right on by - there is no value in that for me?)
Second: Work
As much as you may love your coworkers, work can become a feeding frenzy for negativity.
- People hone in on what’s wrong, instead of finding solutions because then they can
play the victim
- People like to complain because, as they say, “misery loves company”
- People show their value under the guise of dissatisfaction (“Look at everything they
have me doing!”)
- People dissuade each other because they don’t want others to become more successful
than them
Third: Loved Ones
The attitudes and opinions of close friends and family ca...