Motivate Me! with Lynette Renda

Latest Episodes
MM563- Saying Goodbye to Season 4!
Come get schooled in feeling flat! See who has the key, learn easy techniques to reclaim your passion, and set the expectation that you will. MM563 - Saying Goodbye to Season 4! Hello, everybody
MM562- Create an Action Plan
Hello, everybody, and welcome to this week’s episode of Motivate Me! It’s Me! Time here on Motivate Me! and we are working on coming back from flat. Before we start, let’s get into the right hea
MM561- Find Your Flow State
How do you know when you are in “flow state”? What is “relaxed awareness” and what’s its connection to the creative process? Learn about all of this, as well as how to conjure up your flow and how it
MM560- Embrace Collaboration
In this episode you will come to understand the meaning of collaboration, and you’ll learn it’s importance to our creative lives! You will explore the different ways you can work together with others,
MM559- Take a Big Action
Uncover what is preventing you from taking big action, learn the value of small steps, differentiate between the journey and the outcome, and determine what is in you to do! MM559- Take a Big Actio
MM558- Uncover Your Life Purpose
Have you been plagued with the question, “What is my life purpose”? Get your answers here in six easy steps! And bonus, find out what differentiates you from others who have the same purpose. MM558
MM557- Battle Fear – Nix Excuses
Get ready to identify your fears, find out the key ingredient to facing them, and take actionable steps to move through them. We got this and we can do it together! MM557 - Battle Fear - Nix Excuse
MM556- Bail on Perfectionism
Description: Too often we allow feelings of perfectionism to stunt our progress. Find out if you’re a perfectionist, learn why, and see how it’s holding you back. Next step: complete the Push through
MM555- Say No to Negativity
Hello, everybody, and welcome to this week’s episode of Motivate Me! It’s Me! Time here on Motivate Me! and we are working on coming back from flat. Before we start, let’s get into the right hea
MM554 – Seek out Spaces Where You can be Vulnerable
Being vulnerable can build confidence and clarity, even when the outcome can be seen as disappointing. Touch base with your passion here, see how you can redirect it, if that’s what you need to take a