The Kettle with Meagan Francis

Latest Episodes
5 simple kitchen routines that help my life work
When it comes to staying on top of meal planning and cooking, my solution to overwhelm and disorganization is simple: a series of weekly and daily routines that work for my home, family, and schedule. In this episode I share five kitchen routines that hel
What does it mean to have wealth? More conversation with Shannon Hayes, author of "Redefining Rich"
In our culture we put a lot of emphasis on building wealth - but what, exactly, does that mean, and how does our view of wealth contribute to (or detract from) our flourishing as humans? In this continuation of Episode 39's conversation with author an
The hidden cost (and value!) of food, with farmer and author Shannon Hayes
Everyone is talking about rising food prices these days, but we spend very little time talking about the value of food. In this episode I speak with Shannon Hayes, farmer and author, about her journey from academia back to the farm she grew up on. She tel
Eating locally, preserving, and establishing your own "flow" in the kitchen
Does shopping, cooking and eating locally and seasonally have to be time-consuming and difficult? As I've slowly added new kitchen skills to my repertoire, I've come to realize that the key to meal planning and preparation without burnout is devel
Why connecting with our food matters, with Alison Kay of Ancestral Kitchen
"But who actually has the time to cook this way?" Our guest Alison Kay hears that a lot when she shares about her passion for ancestral eating. But for Alison, sourcing ingredients locally and preparing it in a way inspired by our great-great-gran
Building boys and raising men with Jennifer Fink
Being a boy mom is one thing. What about when youre trying to guide, mentor, and mother nearly-grown MEN? In this episode I catch up with parenting author and mother to four young men, Jennifer Fink, to discuss what we get wrong about boys and how misu
Do-over weddings & midlife marriage advice
If you were getting married all over again, what would you change about your wedding? And, what are the best and most challenging things about midlife marriage? As my wedding day draws near, I posed those questions to seven writer/podcaster friends, and t
From farmer to author with Anna Featherstone
Its easy to romanticize the simple life (Im guilty of it pretty much daily) but what happens when the simple, sustainable, satisfying life you set out to create turns intosomething else entirely? Australian author and sustainability advocate Anna Fea
Living authentically at midlife with Rachel Macy Stafford
What does it mean to live authentically in midlife? I chat with Rachel Macy Stafford, author of the new bookSoul Shift: The Weary Humans Guide to Getting Unstuck,about the roles we tend to layer onto our identities starting when were young, and how
Midlife body image & reclaiming your personal style with Kristen Mei Chase
What do you do when your midlife body just doesnt feel likeyouanymore? From hormone-induced weight gain to a shifting of your proportions, a changing body can be a normal if not always welcome part of perimenopause and menopause. In this conversati