Cwic Media- LDS Podcast / Latter-day Saints

Cwic Media- LDS Podcast / Latter-day Saints

Latest Episodes

Come Follow Me LDS- Doctrine and Covenants 20-22
March 04, 2021

"Mortality & LDS Scholarship" - "In the Flesh" = Mortality - The Serpent told the truth and lied to Eve - The Serpent's lie of "death" had more to do with Spiritual Death - An observation on the state of LDS Scholarship and Mormon Studies - The...

Come Follow Me LDS- Doctrine and Covenants 18-19
February 20, 2021

"The Melchizedek Priesthood" The Melchizedek Priesthood following the Aaronic Priesthood. It is likely that Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery were visited by Peter, James, and John within two weeks of the visit of John the Baptist. Martin Harris is...

Come Follow Me LDS- Doctrine and Covenants 14-17
February 13, 2021

'Witnesses & Circles' Not all of us witness God, plates, visions, or miracles, but that is the plan. Like concentric circles, we sit out from the center, receiving the Word and witnesses in order to grow, exercise faith, develop hope and give...

Cwic Show- Bradley Kramer, "How The Book of Mormon Counters Anti-Semitism"
February 09, 2021

"The Book of Mormon Counters Any Anti-Semitism In The NewTestament" Is the New Testament anti-Semitic? If so, was it written that way or just interpreted that way? Bradley Kramer, Author of Gathered In One: How The Book of Mormon Counters...

Come Follow Me LDS- Doctrine and Covenants 12-13
February 08, 2021

'The Aaronic Priesthood in the Latter Days' John the Baptist, the icon of the Aaronic Priesthood, visits Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery and confers upon them the keys of the lower, preparatory priesthood. The priesthood of baptism. Baptism is a...

Come Follow Me LDS- Doctrine and Covenants 10-11
January 31, 2021

"The Lost 116 Pages" - Does the Lord have a "Plan B" for you? - Possible lost manuscript discoveries- Sword of Joshua/Joseph = Sword of Laban, Laban, Zoram & Ishmael as Ephraimites - Laban killed by Nephi during the Passover Feast - Losing your...

Come Follow Me LDS- Doctrine and Covenants 6-9
January 25, 2021

'Lessons on Revelation' -  These sections show us how the Lord is teaching Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery how to receive revelation -  The beginning of the last dispensation is like the pouring out of the Spiritual Gifts at Pentecost...

Is Politics Your New Religion?
January 20, 2021

In a fiercely, politically divisive time many seem to take their political passion and raise it above their religion.  Conservative, Liberal, Trump Supporter, Anti-Trump, White Nationalism and Socialist are just some of the titles that are...

Come Follow Me LDS- D&C 3-5
January 17, 2021

'The Field Is White' -  One Eternal Round -  Many are called but few are chosen -  A gift removed -  The field is white -  Veiling the Book of Mormon like veiling the Ark of the Covenant   Website-     ...

D&C 3:2- One Eternal Round
January 14, 2021

In D&C 3:2 we get a familiar, though not often used phrase. What does 'One Eternal Round' mean? We see it in the scriptures in a handful of places along with another, similar phrase, 'the same today, yesterday and forever'. However, not much has...