Cwic Media- LDS Podcast / Latter-day Saints

Cwic Media- LDS Podcast / Latter-day Saints

Latest Episodes

More Temple Changes- 2-8-23
February 09, 2023

Significant changes to the temple experience. They're wonderful! A more direct message. - You are Adam or Eve - More focus on the Jesus Christ - More instruction and context - More clarification

Evangelical Christian- "Christian Apologetics Proves The Book Of Mormon" An Interfaith Discussion
February 07, 2023

Great Interfaith Interview With Evangelical Steven Pynakker! - "Mormonism saved my life" - Evangelicals are changing their approach to engaging Latter-day Saints - "Heartlanders" and the Meso-American

Come Follow Me LDS 2023- John 2-4
February 05, 2023

There has been a lot of talk about the Woman Caught In Adultery from John 8. Some say she wasn't an adultress, others claim that Jesus, by saying "neither do I condemn thee" was giving her a pass. Nei

Come Follow Me LDS - 2023, Matthew 4, Luke 4-5
February 04, 2023

In Matthew 4, The Temptation of Jesus is told as a vision. Through His vision, Jesus tells us to study our scriptures daily to repel the adversary. This has never been more true than today. Full Episo

Gospel On The Nile
February 04, 2023

Join Greg Matsen and Scholar Bruce H. Porter on this life-changing tour. The temple is found in Egypt! There are so many connections to Egypt for Latter-day Saints: Abraham - Joseph - Uriah - Jeremiah

Walk- Mormon Stories "Greg is VERY Conservative" & More On Pride and Deseret Book
February 02, 2023

Greg was called out again on Mormon Stories Podcast as "very conservative." Deseret Book Pride and Rainbow artist paints his rainbows as support for LGBTQ as we have discussed. Website -

Deseret Book's Pride Emblems
January 26, 2023

In the Deseret Book video course we previously covered, we noticed a couple of pride emblems in the background of the set. Who decided to put these up? Website -

Walk- Deseret Book Rumors - The Virgins, The Talents, and The Goats Is About Marginalized & Charity
January 20, 2023

- Deseret Book rumors- I never said that Deseret Book was "waving" the pride flag in their stores. - US Debt is not an eternal principle - Capitalism is dead without grace and charity - The Three Para

Deseret Book Now Supports The Pride Flag And Same-Sex Partners
January 10, 2023

Deseret Book's Newly Produced Content Supporting the Pride Flag and Same-Sex Partners - New Online Course on on LGBTQ members of the church, openly support the pride flag - Reversal of

The Church's Transgender Policy
January 03, 2023

Baptism, Confirmation For Those Who Transition The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints allows for certain transgender individuals to be baptized and confirmed. However, if a transgender indivi