Morganize with Me

Morganize with Me

Latest Episodes

Bonus Episode | Comfort in Chaos
April 01, 2020

This is a last minute episode that I didn't intend to record but felt prompted to do so. I want to first thank all of you who are on the front lines and serving in some capacity with this virus. Our world has turned upside down and I want to offer my...

Health | Do One Thing
February 10, 2020

Well it's time to wrap up season six! Thank you for joining with me as we talked about all things organizing and health. I enjoyed each one of my guests so much and also loved diving into each of the aspects of health. In this final episode, I...

Health | Emotional - Managing Clutter and Stress
February 10, 2020

We can tend to underestimate the emotional weight of the clutter in our lives and the stress that it adds. And, while we can't avoid clutter and stress, we can work to mange it by staying in our sweet spot or what I like to call the "Goldilocks"...

Health | Physical - Discipline not Motivation
February 10, 2020

Suzy shares the mic with me today and she is the perfect person to share all about how to prioritize your physical health. She is an avid runner and is actually featured in the Guinness Book of World Records (you'll have to tune in to hear what...

Health | Occupational - Work + Home + Life
February 10, 2020

Monica Leed joins me today. Monica has a design background in the fast-paced film industry. She spent over ten years cultivating curiosity in the art of efficient space design, time management, and the power of organizational systems. Then in 2011,...

Health | Relational - Balance and Boundaries
February 10, 2020

On this episode, my sweet daughter, Ainsley shared the mic with me. We chatted about how to balance your time and energy with your friends and relationships. Ainsley, at the young age of only 18, is wise beyond her years. She helped to shed some...

Health | Mental - Unplugging and Prioritizing
February 10, 2020

Lisa, also known as "" grew up in beautiful Idaho as the oldest of seven children. Her mom is also a neat freak. (She had to be in order to stay sane in a house with nine people.) So Lisa learned early on that work always comes before play. It was one...

Health | Spiritual - Practical vs. Perfect
February 10, 2020

Micah Maddox is a national women’s conference speaker, Bible teacher, blogger, and author of . She is passionate about helping women find purpose, peace, and calm in our chaotic world. As a pastor’s wife, mother of three, and foster mom, she...

Bonus Episode | Take Back Your Goals
December 26, 2019

A little year end recap for you and a highlight of some of the various offerings I have for you here at MWM. As always, thank you for listening and following along. I'm wishing you all the best in 2020. If you are wanting to Take Back Your Goals this...

Bonus Episode | The Organizing Box!!!
December 26, 2019

Exciting news!!! TODAY a new product is launching! The Organizing Box is a seasonal subscription box thoughtfully curated to inspire you to live a more simplified, sustainable, and practical life. In the box we will be featuring reusable products,...