Morganize with Me

Morganize with Me

Latest Episodes

Purposeful Living | 5 Steps to Staying Organized
May 31, 2021

Can you guess the five steps to staying organized??? Well tune in and I'll tell you. Also...this is my last episode for now. I'm stepping away from podcasting for a bit and may or may not be back. I'm needing some more margin. But please go back and...

Purposeful Living | Creating a Grab + Go Binder
May 31, 2021

Well, it’s time for some real talk! We’re going to chat all about how to “organize” a Grab + Go Binder. A Grab + Go Binder can be a life saver in the case of an emergency or a non-emergency. It’s a home for all the things in your home....

Purposeful Living | Enneagram Coaching (Part Two)
May 18, 2021

Haley (my sweet sister) and I continue our conversation about the Enneagram. If you didn't listen to Episode #77, you'll want to go back and listen to that one first! Haley recently became certified as an Enneagram Coach, so in today's interview she...

Purposeful Living | Enneagram Coaching (Part One)
May 18, 2021

I’m SO excited to share my sister, Haley Pearson with you again! She joined me back on Episode #7, make sure to go check out her great organizing tips for moms and why you should hide the grape seed oil. (What?!?) Haley recently became certified as...

Purposeful Living | How to be MORE Organized as a Creative
May 04, 2021

My friend, Wendy Trigsted joins me for a conversation about how to create more peacefulness within your home. Wendy is authentic about the fact that she wasn't necessarily "born organized." She says she is creative and more of a free spirit and...

Purposeful Living | D'Vine Order - Closet Organizing Tips
May 04, 2021

In this episode I chat with fellow Professional Organizer Dalys Macon who serves her clients in the Washington DC area. Dalys specializes in closet organization (and all other spaces in the home) and she has great tips for how to be more purposeful -...

Purposeful Living | Otto Skin Goods
May 04, 2021

Today's guest is Sarah Otto from . This is a fabulous woman owned company that will change the way you think about skin care. Their three step system is everything your skin needs, in one low-maintenance routine (simplicity for the win!). Tune in to...

Purposeful Living | Your Well Being
May 04, 2021

In this 11th season of the podcast you will hear from a variety of guests and glean some great takeaways. We'll be covering everything from closet organizing to simplifying your skin care routine to the enneagram to creating peace in your home. I...

Simplifying | The Intentional Shopping Club
March 24, 2021

Do you want to be part of a really cool club? The "Intentional Shopping Club" is designed for those who want to design an intentional life. I see you nodding right now! :) Tune in to hear my tips on how to be a shopper who shops like a BOSS. We'll...

Simplifying | Let's Talk Instant Pots!
March 24, 2021

Sometimes you have an AHA-Moment! And that's what this episode is ALL about. Let me take you on my journey of how I help people get rid of their Instant Pots (or more specifically evaluate which appliances are actually bringing them value). Value is...