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Advent Sessions: 1 Faith without borders by Dave Tomlinson

December 01, 2014

This podcast was recorded at the Moot Comunity Advent Course 2014, where Dave Tomlinson gave an address on the theme “Faith without borders”. What if we think of the term ‘Christian’ as a verb rather than a badge or a sign of belonging to a holy club? What if we stop dividing people into categories of ‘beliverer and non-believers and just ook for God in the world?
Dave Tomlinson is the VIcar of the Church of St Lukes West Holloway in the Diocese of London. He has authored many books and acclaimed speaker now well known through Greenbelt and increasingly BBC Radio. The Advent Course with Moot is a response to his two recent books ‘How to be a bad Christian and a better human being’ and the ‘Bad Christian Manifesto’.
Dave’s books ‘Bad Christian’ and ‘Bad Christian Manifesto’ are on sale through the Moot bookstall, click here.