Monsters Out of the Closet

Monsters Out of the Closet

Episode 26 - Wild

December 03, 2019

Do we take our position in the natural world for granted? What darker motivations lurk behind the flora and fauna around us?

Featuring “A Mockery of Birds”, written T.R. North and featuring performances by Natalie Lydick (@backtonat), and “The Cruor Garland,” written by Julie Travis (@zawngoddess) with performances by Matt, Eric Little, J. M. Dow (@whirlingnerdish), Meredith Katz (, @MeredithAKatz), Casey Lucas (@CaseyLucasQuaid), Mason Hawthorne (@MasonH_wr), and Troy Gardner (@troyhgardner).

Addition music by Eric Matyas and Kai Engel.

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