Kotak MoneyWatch

Kotak MoneyWatch

Latest Episodes

Indicast # 151: Vrooom
November 10, 2011

Finally, after all these years, Formula One comes to India. Thankfully, the event went off without a glitch. Sebastian Vettel won it by a huge margin and saw Mayawati on the podium hand him the trophy. In other news, Metallica performed in Bangalore after

Indicast # 150: Tiger, Jagjit, Steve RIP
October 17, 2011

The 150th episode of Indicast is finally here but this time with a new voice. Abhishek is out on his bike in the Himachal Pradesh and so Akhilesh, who has been on Bizination a few times, joined me on for the 150th. God seems to be feeling lonely and has c

Indicast # 149: Sikkim Rocked
September 26, 2011

This is an attempt to bring to our listeners a happier and less politically inclined episode of Indicast. We will make a conscious effort to have topics from a wider interest areas. This episode covers the Sikkim earthquake, Modi ending his fast, the DMIC

Forbes India Cover Story # 35: Social Media and Corporate India
September 22, 2011

Media turned social on the internet only a few years ago, yet it did not take social media a lot of time to seep into our daily lives. Social networks like Facebook and Twitter only gave it an icing. Phone apps and other location based services have enabl

Indicast # 148: Graand Pricks
September 16, 2011

Barely a month had past since the Mumbai Serial blasts when the terrorist struck again. This time it was Delhi. Delhi is the latest entrant into the list of unresolved (yet) terror strike. Afghanistan and Pakistan also witnessed much large terror strike.

A Conversation with Jon Fasman of The Economist on American Economy, Drugs and Journalism
September 15, 2011

Jon Fasman knows what it takes to be a New York Times best selling author. His book, Geographer's Library published in 2005 has been released into more than a dozen languages and his more recent novel, The Unpossessed City is a major hit. At The Economist

BiziNation #61: Revisiting Twin Towers
September 10, 2011

Ten years ago, on this day, two planes scorched the twin towers. More than 3000 people were killed and the world economy was impaired. In this podcast, we talk about where we stand today in the wake of bigger crises that the bankers have brought upon us.

TKM #47 - iRetire
August 31, 2011

In this episode - Manan & I talk about the topic that may well turn out to be the biggest tech story of 2011 - Steve Jobs announcing his retirement. While there cant be a replacement, the succession plan has been well planned. The other stories discussed

Indicast # 147: Anna Lokpal Hazare
August 29, 2011

After being missing in action for over a month, we are glad to be back. The recent has had some big ticket happenings in India including Lokpal bill and India losing its #1 test ranking spot. Given the significance of the event, we spent most of the time

TSB Special: Warren Brennan of Hot Spot Technology Speaks
August 23, 2011

Warren Brennan, the man behind the Hot Spot technology used in the India England series joins us to talk about his invention, challenges and the controversies surrounding Dravids dismissal in the last test and of course, VVS Laxmans Vaseline non incident.