Monday Sales Coach

Monday Sales Coach

Monday Sales Coach Podcast Episode 023

March 03, 2017

When it comes to sales, having a positive attitude at all times is everything. In this episode we are going to outline what this means. Whilst we are on the topic of Attitude this episode also looks at dealing with rejection, something we all need to master.
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How is your attitude?
Have you ever seen a salesperson delivering their pitch while looking dejected and feeling sorry for themselves? Well if you have, you have probably come across a rare breed of sales person who is simply in the wrong profession and isn’t going to last too long.
In the profession of sales, attitude matters, and that rules out moping in front of your prospect.
A sales person is expected to be upbeat. Exuding a positive aura that emits a positive message that you believe in what you are selling. After all, how can you convince others to believe in your product if you doubt about it yourself?
Sales is about attitude.
Here are some things you need to keep in mind:
1) Your appearance should reflect your attitude. Download Podcast Episode Transcript for more.
2) Be conscious of your body language.  Download Podcast Episode Transcript for more.
3) Be confident with the words you use. Download Podcast Episode Transcript for more!
To sum up attitude makes a difference. So when it comes to sales, remember to get the perfect A for attitude. 
Please pay attention to this.
Share this with marketing.
Send this to your boss.
Circulate this around your sales operations.
Because this is where the problem often starts.
No one gives a rats about you or your company.
No one really cares how long you’ve been in business.
No gives a hoot that you’re in 40 under 40 or listed as a Fastest growing companies.
No one gives a sparrow about your customer list.
No one gives two shakes about how many awards you’ve won.
No one gives a flying fish that you’re building new headquarters.
No one gives a squirt about you, your company or your product.
Customers and prospects care a lot about their problems and their issues.
They give a rats about servicing their customers or being serviced as a customer.
They give a hoot about their bottom line.
They give a sparrow about the competition or their options.
They give a two shakes about government regulations they have too.
They give a flying fish about product releases and how it can help them.
They give a squirt about increasing their sales or revenue or financial security.
They care a lot about their business, their stock price, their image, their revenue, their ability to grow and anything and everything that has to do with them . . . not you!
You need to give a dam about what they give a dam about and that’s not you!
Stop focusing on you.
Dealing with Rejection
Problem: While in the office the other day, I got a call from a financial advisor.
As soon as I answered the phone he began a pitch that lasted for what seemed a very long time, he got straight into listing all the reasons why I should do business with him. To be nice to him and fob him off I told him that my wife controlled the investing in our family and that she has had a successful relationship with a competing broker for over 20 years. Although the guy pressed harder, I sensed that I took the wind out of his “sales...