Monday Sales Coach

Monday Sales Coach

Monday Sales Coach Podcast Episode 020

February 11, 2017

Today I am going to be blunt and plead with you to stop wasting your prospects time. We are also going to discuss what it means to fuel your body with the appropriate nutrition to be a high performer.
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Stop Wasting Prospects Time
It’s time for salespeople to stop wasting their prospects time.  It’s time sales people stop sending out emails and leaving messages asking for just 15 minutes of a prospects time and offering nothing in return.
Surely even we sales people hate receiving these irritating emails asking for our time.
I don’t know about you, but to me it smacks of – salesperson who does not know me and is just spamming or cold calling looking for a sucker….
I love my time… I cherish it, savor it and try to maximise it.. I am sure your prospects do too.
So, if you want a meeting with somebody that needs to be viewed as an exchange or the commencement of a relationship. What are you offering or intending to offer in exchange for that precious 15 minutes? It can’t be to simply tell me about your product or service because you can send me a weblink or a brochure and I can do this for myself or ask a friend…
Go back and check your outreach, check your texts, your emails and your cold calls … are you offering anything of value for the exchange you are requesting. Because if you are not BAM that’s how you can double your performance overnight.
And Sales Management this is to you… get your head out of the sand.
Your sales teams are guilty of this I guarantee it. Stop everything you are doing, your pipeline catch ups, your sales selection, your morale sessions… do yourself a favour go an audit your sales teams outreach and help them start offering value for the exchange… it’s as simple as that!
Stop wasting your prospects time. If you can’t offer something of value for 15 minutes of your prospects time, don’t ask.
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Dining For High Performance
Nutrition and fitness should always be linked since a neglect of either one diminishes most of the benefits associated with attending to the other. Nutrition for high performance is essential to provide the fuel necessary to perform at your best.
The value and effect of your diet and hence your performance is determined in part by the degree of your conditioning.
The better your level of fitness, the more you can eat without excessive weight gain and the better use your body will make of the nutrients you put in.
Never be concerned about your weight.
It’s your percent of body fat that matters!
Find out what your percent of fat is, and if you are male, try to maintain about a 15 percent or lower fat level. Females, 20 percent or lower should be your target.
Don’t eat like most people!
I hate to admit it, but we in modern society consume too much fat, salt, sugar and alcohol. And too little complex carbohydrates like fruits, vegetables and whole grains. If the pioneers lived the way we do today, they would never have made it. The internet would not exist, which means that there would be no Facebook and therefore none of us would have friends.
Without doubt if you are looking to fuel yourself to live a high performance lifestyle I encourage you to adopt the HEALTH­ ENHANCER style of eating.