Monday Sales Coach

Monday Sales Coach

Monday Sales Coach Podcast Episode 016

January 14, 2017

Last week we talked about “Success Leaves Traces” .
Over the last couple of weeks I have commissioned a research team to mystery shop you guys… that’s right you my listeners.
If you were one of the 1000 people who were surveyed, thank you for responding – Your feedback was invaluable.
What we have been asking you is for your ideas on how you believe you can improve your sales effectiveness and what you have noticed your most successful peers doing, that lets them stand out.
Remember “Success Leaves Traces” and so in this episode I am going to outline the 5 ways to have success rub off into your sales as well.
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5 Ways to Succeed in This Changing World of Sales
I have been randomly surveying my ever-growing list of listeners and subscribers on your ideas on improving sales effectiveness and preparing for the future of work.
Your answers and your peer’s answers covered a lot of different topics, but the one thing I was extremely fired up to share with all of you is how professional sales is changing.
The professional world of selling is more competitive than ever and it’s only going to become more so.
Responses like “The first ones to go will be the salespeople who can’t differentiate themselves — who can’t make themselves part of the value proposition.”
“By 2020, the most successful salespeople will be the teachers. The ones who can help clients think differently about the future of their business or self.”
Succeeding in sales is going to require a whole new level of skill set, discipline and preparation.
Here are the five most common ways your peers believe it will take to succeed in sales.

* Prepare like a champion.

To be great in anything you absolutely must do your homework. It’s amazing that so many salespeople still to this day don’t prepare and do their homework.
“I get four or five cold sales emails a day. Rarely does the seller take the time to properly research my company.”
“If a seller researched me, determined I was a good fit for their solution or service and reached out in a way that focused on me and my business challenges, you’d better believe I’d pause before hitting ‘Delete.'”

* Look for customization and personalization.

You are missing out on an incredible opportunity if you choose not to personalize and customize for every client of yours.
If you believe deeply that you can help the customer? Prove it. Get specific.
Tell prospects why they should care, and show up prepared for impact. Your ability to customize for every client is imperative. It’s what the customer expects today.

* Focus on being a teacher.

The best salespeople fully understand that teaching sells. Teaching is a gateway into a credible relationship built on trust. Look for every opportunity to contribute value and provide expert guidance up front.

* Better is what actually is better.

Automation makes it easy to blast out an email to 20,000 people on a list. Somebody’s got to respond, right?
I cannot think of a faster way to take a relationship from neutral to negative than to consistently assault someone’s inbox with irrelevant information.
Instead, slow down and make every interaction count. Every touch point with a potential customer is a chance to add value and advance the relationship.
 5.Always look to build a meaningful connection.
When you think of sales as a human connection rather than just another transaction, you are well on your way to differentiating yourself from the competition.
Sales isn’t just about the science.