Monday Sales Coach

Monday Sales Coach

Monday Sales Coach Podcast Episode 015

January 07, 2017

Welcome to the New Year. From all of us here at Monday Sales Coach we’d like to wish you a most prosperous 2017 in health, wealth and happiness. To get us started on the right foot for the New Year we are going to be looking at what a host of highly successful multi-millionaires do each day to the structure of their day to achieve their exceptional results.
Remember “Success Leaves Traces” and by emulating the practices of these high achievers a lot of their results will also rub off into your life and success as well.
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L earnings From High Performers
Over the years, I have had the privilege to work with and alongside a lot of extremely driven and high performing people. From multi-millionaire entrepreneurs through to top 500 executives, elite sports people, coaches and of course super sales people. In doing so I have been in the fortunate position of having a unique peek into these high achievers day-to-day life.
I have spent just about my entire adult life studying success as I have always believed “Success Leaves Traces”.
What are the habits of successful people?
What are their secrets?
How did they start?
How did they defy the odds?
Whilst the super stars I have gotten to know all have their unique story, gifts and circumstances, the one thing they undoubtedly have in common… is these people know how to structure 24 hours for maximum success.
Here are the top seven keys to success for the rest of us when it comes to structuring your day in order to produce your best work and become your best self.

* Start your day earlier. 

We’ve heard the “start early” advice a million times.
The unique key is that there is power in being alone and getting focused at the start of the day.
Even if you can’t wake up at 4 a.m. or 5 a.m. (like many of these high achievers), consider committing to getting up just a few minutes earlier to calmly plan your day before the pressure to answer emails begins, the phones start to ring or the rest of your family needs your attention.
Wake up early in the morning … because in those early morning hours, you are not a role, you are just a soul.
That’s when you can stop and tune into yourself.

* Take charge of your day.

 In those few extra minutes, decide then and there how your day will go.
Superstars all agree, you must be proactive about your time rather than reactive. If you start your day reading emails from others about their agendas and priorities, it can derail your own.
If you jump right into your email, you automatically set the frame in your mind to react to other people’s needs. And you’re just reacting to the world, you’re not strategically thinking.
Instead take time to ask yourself “what are my moves forward?
So, when you begin the day, you are moving yourself forward before you reply to anything someone else wants you to do. Now that is a million-dollar secret right there. Ask yourself, what are your priorities for the day? What are your non-negotiables? Get detailed and laser focused on the most high-value tasks. You can also make these key decisions the night before as you wrap up the previous day.
Either way, make sure you’re running your day rather than letting your day run you.
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* Break your day into blocks.

Obviously, every superstar has their own day. One common denominator is to think of your day, and your month for that matter, in blocks. Give yourself blocks of uninterrupted time for creation,