Monday Sales Coach

Monday Sales Coach

Monday Sales Coach Podcast Episode 014

December 17, 2016

This is our last Episode of Monday Sales Coach for 2016 so my aim is to make it a powerful one. As a Christmas gift to you I am going to give you 3 power packed thoughts to take with you on your holidays. So lets get the show started.
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A Craft vs A Job
A craft is something we look to perfect. A craft requires passion. A craft, by definition, requires skill and the constant improvement of that skill.
When we embrace our craft, we are more committed to its purpose. We are more inclined to improvement and the execution of the craft. When we embrace our craft, we are focused on the outcomes, the value it creates for others, our influence in the outcomes and how we deliver the outcomes. When we embrace our craft, we take more ownership for the outcomes and the people who engage us.
A job is something we do. It’s an activity. In jobs, we focus on the activity, not the outcome. When we have a job, we measure time and effort, regardless of the outcome. It allows us to say proudly, I did my job and absolve ourselves of the results.
So Sales Champions –
Those who are not craftsman, (men and women) have jobs. Jobs are what those who don’t embrace a craft do.
Anyone can turn a job into a craft or a craft into a job. It comes down to perspective and attitude.
You can make burgers at McDonalds and ask, is this burger cooked correctly, just enough on both sides? Did I put it on the bun correctly, so it doesn’t fall out the sides? Did I wrap it in a manner that doesn’t have it fall out in the bag? Did I put the condiments on in a manner that they don’t shoot out the bottom and onto someone’s white pants as they are headed to their next meeting? How can I do this to perfection?
This is a craft.
You can also flip burgers at McDonalds and say, I flipped burgers for 8 hours. I did what was expected. I came back from my breaks on time. I didn’t burn any burgers. I didn’t drop any on the floor. I wasn’t late getting them out the door. I followed the handbook.
That’s a job.
The only deciding factor in determining if you have a job or a craft is your perspective and how you act.
Do you have a job or do you have a craft?
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Be You
We need more you.
Stop trying to fit in. Stop measuring yourself against outside forces.
If You Compare You despair
Don’t look for permission from others. Do what you feel is best.
Have the courage to express your convictions.
We need more of you.
We don’t need more people agreeing. We don’t need validation of the known. We need more identification of the unknown.
We don’t need more blue suits. (We need more plaid shirts. )
We don’t need more yes men and yes women.
We need more you.
We need you to speak up.
We need you to tell us what you think. Not what you’ve been told.
We need more different, and less the same.
Yes, different makes us uncomfortable. But the more comfortable we get being uncomfortable, the more ideas, creativity, and new flourish.
We ask for permission too often. We rarely notice it, but it’s there. When we wonder if our outfit looks good, we’re asking permission. When we wonder if we should question that new idea, we’re asking permission. When we wonder if the car we drive is cool enough, we’re asking permission. When we wonder if we should speak up, we’re looking for permission.
Asking permission is our way of gaining acceptance and fitting in. The more we are validated, the more we feel good about ourselves. But what if we didn’t need permission?
What if we just gave more of ourselves and asked for permis...