Monday Sales Coach

Monday Sales Coach

Monday Sales Coach Podcast Episode 011

November 26, 2016

In today’s episode, we are going to look at how to sell your value and not just your price.
We are also going to be looking at the “Ultimate Insult” and how to avoid making it.
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How To Sell Your Value & Not Just Your Price.
Are you getting paid what you know you are worth, or do you somehow feel that you are often shortchanged? If you feel that you should work on improving how you can communicate your worth to your customers, here are eight tips that will help you sell value—not price:

* Stand out

It just is not enough for you to explain what your product or service is; you should get the message that you are distinct from your competitor across to your prospects. You need to give your buyers reasons to choose you for a factor other than a good price. How do you do that?
Find out by Downloading the Podcast Transcript
2. Be Choosy with Your Clients
In every deal that you close, you want to make sure that it is you calling the shots and not the other way around. Every true sales professional has their client under control; not the client taking the reins. So, learn to choose your clients instead of them choosing you and do so carefully. How?
Make a list of the qualities or attributes that you are looking for in the people you want to have as clients and target your marketing strategies with them in mind. Foremost in your list should be people you have fun working with; it makes business even more challenging when you are dealing with people you do not like.
What if you meet people who wish to do business with you but just do not fit your criteria? Do not accept them. Do not lower your standard just to accommodate them. If you stick to your criteria, you tell everyone else that you do not just work with anyone who can bring you a paycheck which, in turn, increases your perceived value.
3. Set your Standards High
Do not waste your time meeting up with clients who you cannot vouch for. Only set appointments with clients who you know are serious about your service and are also financially qualified to avail of your services. Move on to the next client if they do not satisfy your questions.
4. Focus on Value, Not Price
When you choose to compete on price, you no longer bring to the table your unique set of expertise and knowledge. No offense intended to businesses that focus on setting a competitive price, but doing so Is a losing game.
When you bid for the lowest price and the rest of your competitors follow suit, you just end up lowering everyone’s profit margin and losing your value in the process.
5. Improve Your Perceived Value
The thing about many of us in the sales industry is that we often fail to let others see just how much hard work it is to accept clients. Thus, they tend to decrease our value. Here is how you keep that from happening to you.
Find out by Downloading the Podcast Transcript
6. Educate Your Clients
Educate your clients as to how much you make on an average. They are more than likely not aware of how you determine your prices and how little is left after you pay off your taxes and cover your expenses. When they finally do, it will be less likely for them to ask you to reduce your price.
7. Provide a benefit that no one else does
It would be in your client’s interest to be aware of what working with them fully entails. When you inform your clients of what they can expect when dealing with you, you give them the opportunity to see the unique benefits that you must o...