Monday Sales Coach

Monday Sales Coach

Monday Sales Coach Podcast Episode 010

November 19, 2016

In this episode we are going to look at how to overcome the challenge of conflicting personalities by analysing the four main personality types you are likely to come across.
We are also going to be looking at a technique called a “meeting agreement”.
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Selling and Conflicting Personalities—How to Make Them Meet
As salespeople, one of the biggest challenges that we have to face is dealing with demanding customers. There always seems to be a fresh batch. Some clients are abrasive and challenging while some are frustratingly indecisive. Facing each kind of individual can exhaust our patience and even our positivity.
How then can we handle the personality conflicts that we face when dealing with clients? The key lies in understanding why each personality type behaves the way they do. Today we are going to discuss the four most common personality types and how to best handle them.
Personality Type 1: Direct
This individual is very direct in their approach to people. They prefer to be in control of every situation they find themselves in and tend to be very forceful regarding their ideas. Dealing with this personality type can prove to be intimidating, as their aggressive attitude can manifest itself in finger pointing and frequent interruptions.
Download the Podcast Transcript to learn how to deal with this personality type CLICK HERE
Personality 2: Talkative
This individual is the direct opposite of the direct personality type. Whereas they are results-oriented and direct, this personality type is very egocentric and talkative. Characteristically, individuals who fall under this category are often late for appointments and prefer talking a lot about themselves.
Download the Podcast Transcript to learn how to deal with this personality type CLICK HERE
Personality Type # 3: Steady
This individual is not as easy to read as the first two personality types are. They are soft-spoken and mainly focused on their team rather than on personal results. Customers who fall under this category are often reluctant to make an entrepreneurial decision without opting to think things through.
Download the Podcast Transcript to learn how to deal with this personality type CLICK HERE
Personality Type # 4: Analytical
The last personality type that we will consider today is the analytical type. This individual is considering every detail and specification relevant to the product or service that you are offering. For this person detailed product information will not be complete without written guarantees and proper documentation to back up your statements.
Download the Podcast Transcript to learn how to deal with this personality type CLICK HERE
Once you understand how each of the four personality types mentioned above operate, you will know exactly how to tailor your approach. Moreover, this will help you generate more sales.
Eliminate Mutual Confusion
Problem: Ever go on a sales call where there seemed to be little structure, where both parties seemed to be on different pages, where expectations were not met, and little was accomplished? Even worse, you expected something positive to occur but simply got a lukewarm response such as,