Monday Sales Coach

Monday Sales Coach

Monday Sales Coach Podcast Episode 009

November 12, 2016

In this weeks episode, we are going to look at a prospecting system that guarantees results!
We are also going to be looking at the importance of a positive mindset and the 6 habits to practice to makes sure you have one.
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A Prospecting System That Guarantees Results
A large majority of salespeople struggle to get in front of enough prospects to keep their pipeline full.Thus, they feel desperate, have a difficult time dealing with rejection, and often avoid asking the tough questions to find out if they should be spending their time with someone.
This leads to a long selling cycle, inefficient time management, and ultimately, failure.
Prospecting is a tough business, the drudgery of selling.
Most salespeople have not developed an effective activity based prospecting system and even worse, fail to stick to the system that they have.
Here is a Solution:
Here’s a great idea! Every day, put yourself on a 20-point activity system like this one:
1 point for a telephone contact with a decision maker who can tell you “no!”
1 point for a “customer service” call on an existing client.
2 points for forcing a decision to a “no.”
2 points for setting an appointment.
3 points for getting a referral.
4 points for a face-to-face meeting.
5 points for a sale.
Whatever you track will improve.
Earning points gives you a target that lets you can “earn” a reward.
You can modify this system to fit your situation if you want, but don’t quit until you get your 20 points. Find a way to reward yourself when you accomplish your goal.
Keep in mind that you’ll always feel good if you do the right activity.
6 Habits to Keep Your Mind Positive
1.Remind yourself of your accomplishments
Nothing beats self-doubt like positive statements. So, when you feel the negatives creeping in, remind yourself of the success you have already accomplished. Tell yourself that you can get past any of your present obstacles.
2.Focus on your potential
It is all too easy to fall into the trap of negativity when you forget about the capabilities that you possess. So, on top of reminding yourself of your previous accomplishments, make it your practice to remind yourself of your potential as well.
3. Use your imagination positively
Instead of thinking about all the things that could go wrong with your next presentation, use your power of imagination to visualize success. Do this as often as you need to, until you drown out all the negative thoughts.
4. Label yourself positively and repeat it regularly
Your self-perception has so much to do with your level of self-confidence. Give yourself a positive label and repeat it to yourself at least five times every day. The more you hear that positive label aloud, the more you become that person you view yourself to be.
5. Set progressive goals
Goal-setting is crucial in keeping your focus on the right things. Set reasonable goals for yourself. They do not have to be big goals, but they do have to be progressive. Do not stop reaching for more.
6. Celebrate success
Success, as the cliché goes, is not a destination. It is a journey. Learn to celebrate every goal that you reach and every accomplishment you achieve. The positivity that a celebration brings will help push you forward in your profession.
So here is the deal – make each of these six techniques a habit and you will breed the positivity that results in success. Remember, what the mind can conceive, the body can achieve.Never stop believing in what you can do. Be determined not to allow yourself to be finished even before you have begun.