Monday Sales Coach

Monday Sales Coach

Monday Sales Coach Podcast Episode 005

October 15, 2016

Today we are going to take a look at Mondayitis. Mondayitis’ is a highly contagious, severe and debilitating condition which inexplicably affects more people in the sales industry than any other workforce.
We are also going to be taking a look at how to overcome a bad sales cycle plus we will discuss a little less conversation and a lot more action!
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So What is Mondayitis and how do you overcome it?
As indicated earlier ‘Mondayitis’ is a highly contagious, severe and debilitating condition which inexplicably affects more people in the sales industry than any other workforce. It is known to cause feelings of weariness, lethargy, depression, desperation and anxiety with symptoms often lasting for up to five days (or until close of business on Friday).
Symptoms of Mondayitis may include repeatedly hitting the snooze button; suffering an inability to get out of bed; involuntary moaning and whinging; bribing your partner to call your workplace to advise them you are suffering from a life-threatening illness; activating your ‘out of office’ message on your email account; turning off your mobile phone and failing to attend sales meetings.
A CURE IS AT HAND! If you are suffering from Mondayitis, it is time to turn your frown upside down!  Listed below are ideas I have gathered over the years from sales staff to prevent or cure Mondayitis: To see this list Download the Podcast Transcript by CLICKING HERE.
Are you in the midst of a bad sales cycle?
Sales isn’t about taking, or convincing. It’s not about forcing or cajoling. Sales is about giving, teaching, coaching, educating, sharing and engaging. Sales is about helping, that’s all.
Today it’s easy to forget that.  The pressure to perform, to get to quota and to win in sales is intense. It’s this pressure that ends up perverting sales.
Because of this pressure buyers don’t allow sales people to help, as they don’t trust them. They don’t see them as trying to help, they see them as trying to take. When buyers won’t let sales people help, sales people push harder, they start trying to convince, force, and cajole. They stop selling. When sales people stop selling, things only get worse and the pressure increases.
When the pressure increases, sales pushes harder, cajoles more and teaches, shares, and consults less, even when new buyers want a sales person’s help.
The cycle has begun.
To avoid this negative cycle or to get out of the cycle, a sales person’s job ISN’T to get the customer to listen to their pitch or buy their product. It’s simply to get them to be open to help. When prospects and buyers are open to help and the sales person is honestly providing it, that’s when selling is happening.
Figure out how to get prospects and buyers to want your help, and the rest will take care of itself.
Now lets talk about your actions?
Given that today’s podcast seems to be about song titles how about a “little less conversation”. We all have the best intentions.  I have to believe that. It keeps me sane. However, in spite of our intentions, we have a tendency to say and believe things about ourselves that just aren’t true. We say we’re committed to our job, but we haven’t done anything to improve our ability to get better at it in years. We say we’re health conscious, but rarely work out and eat like a guts most of the time.
We pontificate about the importance of risk and hustle to success but never incur any risk and barely hustle. We’re quick to tell everyone on FaceBook what we would do if it were our kid who fell into the gorilla cage or what we would do if it were us who was sto...