Monday Sales Coach

Monday Sales Coach

Monday Sales Coach Podcast Episode 004

October 08, 2016

In this episode we are going to take a look at Success. I want you to find a way so that every day you can go into work excited to make any sort of sale that will boost you towards your monthly quota, all because you feel successful rather than overwhelmed.
Also in this episode we are going to go through 3 techniques to elevate your sales performance plus we are going to discuss tips to keep you hotly sought after.
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What is Sales Success
Success for most sales people is only based on external factors. How much money are you making, what car you drive, what kind of clothes you can afford and how you rank each month on the list of sales reps.
Unfortunately, because your success is based on results, so too can be your motivation.
This is fine when sales are good, but can sabotage you when they are not. It can even get to a point where if you don’t make any form of a sale on any given day, you leave feeling dissatisfied and as if you didn’t do enough.
Does this sound familiar? For more why not download the Podcast Transcript by CLICKING HERE
Elevate Your Sales Performance
Here are three crucial habits of high performing sales reps to adopt and stick with.

* Consistency is key.

Remember how habits are formed. Follow through with each habit or skill every single day no matter what.
Habits are not action items that need to be carried out in full every day. They just need to be addressed and focused on a bit to remain ingrained in our mind.
For example, if you are too busy to make your 20 cold calls for the day, then make sure you at least make one no matter what. Find the time to keep those critical habits alive even when you’re exceeding your quota, so that if things drop off you can pick them back up quickly.

* Peak mental performance.

Each morning tell yourself the following mantra
“I am successful because “I’m following my passion, and I’m learning and growing from every single thing that happens to me.”
“It doesn’t matter what mistakes I make or if I’m well below my monthly quota. I force myself to base my success on my effort and if I’m learning from my experiences and applying that knowledge to continuously grow.”
Our brain learns from repetition, the words we say to ourselves and how those words make us feel.
Saying the above to yourself, gives you control over success and how you feel every day. Your feeling of accomplishment is not based on external factors that you can’t control – like if someone buys something from you. Instead, it’s based on your effort and your actions. This puts you in a positive mental state so when you interact with others you are speaking from a place of confidence and certainty, not from fear and deficit.
While this may sound counterintuitive to success, the reality is it takes your brain out of that lacking and reactive state and enables you to optimize your brain’s performance.

* What can you measure?

Of course it’s easy to measure how much revenue you’ve brought in each month. But it’s not easy to determine exactly what you did to create that number if you don’t measure what you do on a daily basis.
It may feel tedious and even boring, especially when you’re exceeding your sales quota, but remember if you don’t have a track record of what made you successful, then you’ll never know how to sustain or regain it. Here are some questions to ask yourself each day.

* What are the primary activities that lead to my success? Am I conditioning those habits in my mind every day?