Monday Sales Coach

Monday Sales Coach

Monday Sales Coach Podcast Episode 001

September 22, 2016

In this episode we are going to look at the problem of price which has become a primary focus in sales nowadays, we are also going to consider how to build proof and delve deeply into the concept of success.

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The Concept of Success
Undoubtedly the biggest obstacle to achieving success is your own negative self-belief. Whether you believe you can or you believe you can’t, you’re probably right. So to get you started on your way to success I’d like to outline a transformation tool. It’s called the Success Thermostat and success generally requires you to adjust your success thermostat. For more information on doing this Download the Podcast Transcript at this by CLICKING HERE
The Issue of Price
Problem: “Price is the primary focus of the sale these days — everybody wants the lowest price.” It starts out innocently enough. Buyers lead with questions and comments like these: “How much is it? Can you give me a quote?” As the sales discussion proceeds it gets more intense: “That seems like a lot.” or “Why is it so expensive?” or “I saw it for less somewhere else.” Salespeople often respond by cutting price thus giving away margins and commissions.
Analysis: Salespeople hear about price so often that they expect the conversation to dwell on price and they tend to overreact to price concerns. Sixty-eight percent of salespeople from a wide range of industries thought that price was the main concern of the customer based on a recent survey conducted by The Sales Board. Yet when customers were asked what was most important to them in a purchase their response was much different. The majority of people were more concerned with quality, service, and relationship than price.
Solution: To get out of the price trap, you have to stop focusing on it. The only time price is the main issue is when you are selling a commodity, which you probably are not. You need to differentiate yourself and your product so that the prospect does not focus on price. That means not giving feature and benefit presentations, which cause you to look like every other salesperson.
For more information on doing this Download the Podcast Transcript at this by CLICKING HERE
Ways to Build Proof

* Testimonial from Customer (Show results if possible)
* Testimonial from Industry Expert
* Testimonial from refunded customer
* Before and After Pictures
* Facts and or Statistics
* Screenshots, cheques, deposits, income tax statements, etc.
* Publicity ·reprints of articles, magazines, newspapers, etc·
* Guarantees
* Believable Bonuses – Not $15,000 in bonuses for a $50 product

For more information on doing this Download the Podcast Transcript at this by CLICKING HERE