Mommy's Cocktail Hour

Mommy's Cocktail Hour

#98 - Raspberry Shandy

July 13, 2014

On this week’s episode join Beth, Lindsay and Tawny and pour yourself this summertime mixture of lemonade and raspberry shandy beer, yum!  Lindsay shares her tips on her post vacation detox, Beth talks about her upcoming family vacation (side note…geocaching) and Tawny brings up a funny article shared with us on our facebook page.

Fabulous Finds

Beth – Roadside America app

Lindsay – The Pretty Reckless

Tawny – Girl Meets World on Disney Channel,

Listener Fab Find: Shana - Safe Spot – A place Your child stays while you load or unload other items or kids!  Love it!

Lindsay’s detox – 1. Get back to your workout routine 2. No diet soda, try lemon water or green tea with a shot of apple cider vinegar (Braggs raw), and dandelion root tea (for de-clogging…hehe) 3. No grains or sugar

Thanks to our listener Jessica for the many laughs we had discussing the article she shared with us on our Facebook page, 30 Ridiculous Baby Products.

REMINDER: AUGUST 2nd 8PM CT…….MCH LIVE 100th EPISODE!!!!  Please join us and help us celebrate this milestone podcast episode.  It’s been a long few years and we’re so close to breaking 100 episodes, WOW!!!  We can’t wait to hear from you!


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