Mommy's Cocktail Hour

Mommy's Cocktail Hour

#87 - Root Beer Float

March 23, 2014

On this week’s episode the MCH ladies are all together in the same place!  That hardly ever happens!  We had a “pitch-in†right before we recorded, so bear with us as we’re a little tipsy, drowsy, and nasally.

Root Beer Float – add in a few generous shots of Buttershots, duh!

Fabulous Finds

Krissi – Smith & Forge Hard Cider

Lindsay – Ass Backwards,  Lunchbox App, Counting Bills and Coins App

Tawny – eSalon

Lindsay’s Fit TipDark Horse Workout Video

The mommy’s catch up on what’s been going on over the last few weeks.  Beth talks about Squishy’s bedtime difficulties, while Krissi asks advice on birthday party present etiquette (and her cute new hair cut!). Lindsay is having a hard time Sweetness wanting to play with friends every night now that the weather is getting warmer (yeah, we’re talking 30’s, 40’s, and 50’s here in the QCA, haha!).  Tawny is coming to terms with her baby losing her first tooth and just how fast these little gals are growing….someone buy her a puppy STAT!

Enjoy, Cheers!


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