Mommy's Cocktail Hour

Mommy's Cocktail Hour

#83 - #MCHparty

February 23, 2014


Because of illness and flooded basements, we missed our regular recording night. We decided to record this episode during our Friday Night #MCHparty Twitter Party and we fired up a live stream on our website and the Twitter Party people were able to listen to the live and unedited version of our episode. Unfortunately, Krissi is still sick and wasn’t able to join us.

What We Were Drinking

Beth – Cake Vodka and Pineapple Juice (Pineapple Upside-Down Cake)

Lindsay – Cranberrita mixed with Rum and Sparkling Black Cherry Water

Tawny – Flip Flop Wine – Cabernet

Starbucks PirateBeth starts things off with her Fabulous Find for this episode. However, the biggest take-away of her story is the visual of her driving around the Quad Cities with an expired Starbucks gift card shoved in one side of her sunglasses so she could see.

Listener Sarah is at home with her newborn and that gets us into the conversation about alcohol consumption while breastfeeding and Pump & Dumping. Lindsay suggests staying away from the Oxycodone while you breastfeed.

Lindsay’s Fabulous Find for this week is Nature Box. This is a subscription club that delivers healthy snacks to you. Tawny’s Fabulous Finds are Maybeline Age Rewind, Against the Grain, Me and Billy’s.

We talk about our Valentine’s Day weekend. Quadruple dates, sickness, birthday parties, affordable birthday cakes and cupcakes, and cleaned kids’ bedrooms. It was a mixed bag.

In the #MCHparty Twitter Party stream, Heidi asks how to get children to stop picking poo out of their diaper. Tawny tells a customer service horror story. Enjoy the episode and this “live” episode is a little preview of what our 100th live video broadcast will be like. It’ll be one “hot summer nut”.

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