Mommy's Cocktail Hour

Mommy's Cocktail Hour

#81 - Cherry Cordial Perfect for Valentine’s Day

February 08, 2014

Just in time for Valentine’s Day, join the ladies of MCH for this chocolate and cherry delight.  On this week’s episode we catch up on our fabulous finds and our mommy moments over the last few weeks.

Recipe Courtesy of Making Nice in the Midwest

Fabulous Finds

Beth – Big Ass Shopping Bag (not available online so check your local Target); Target Cartwheel App; Printable Olympics Chart

Krissi – Making Nice in the Midwest Blog; Chili Cheese Burrito (Yo Quiero Taco Bell?!)

Lindsay- Eveline Slim Extreme 3D Bust Serum (booby cream)

Tawny -  My Chores App; The Grommet ; Flip Flop Wine

Listener Fab Finds

Heidi –  Politely Sweet and Spicy Popcorn from Angie’s Popcorn

Jen – Groovebook

Lindsay’s Fit TipForbes Magazine: Tips for exercise at your desk

Krissi shares her awesome Junior story about her math journal and Peanut’s lack of toilet flushing.  Lindsay is dealing with Clifford being a picky eater while Sweetness is getting on her last nerve with all these snow days!  Beth is excited to take Squishy to see the Lego movie and he has finally moved on to big kids toothpaste. Tawny found out that Princess is about 3 years out from getting braces while both she and Bruiser find pads (yes, like maxi pads) hilarious and sometimes can be confused with hot hands.  You’ll only know what hot hands are if you live in the Northeast or the Midwest.

We want to know how you’re celebrating Valentine’s Day!  Join in our conversation on our Google+ community.


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Perfect for Valentine’s Day
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