Mommy's Cocktail Hour

Mommy's Cocktail Hour

#80 - Insane in the Mom Brain - Interview with Patti Ford

January 31, 2014

Insane in the Mom Brain

On this episode of Mommy’s Cocktail Hour, we welcome Patti Ford, of Insane in the Mom Brain fame. Patti talks about her wildly successful Insane in the Mom Brain blog, her influences and her internal struggle on what to post and what to keep off the record.

Photo from Insane in the Mom Brain Facebook page.

Photo from Insane in the Mom Brain Facebook page.

We start things off all the way back with Patti bringing her son home from the hospital and realizing that she, in fact, is the reason he may have been so difficult. We cover a wide-range of topics on this episode: Prancercizing, Camel-toe-torial, Annie Potts, Modelo beer, margaritas, Justin Bieber meat, butt-secksing statues, Norman Reedus, Ralph Macchio and much more.

Patti also shares her parenting horror story with “the boy”, which involves a public melt-down in McDonald’s play-land by the boy…and a public melt-down by Patti in the parking lot. This brings up the topic of the public perception during those melt-downs.

“The Boy” is a pre-teen, so she gives us a little preview of what is in store for us and our kids.

Trust us that you will want to read Patti’s blog and if you want her thoughts in your Facebook stream, here are the links!

Insane in the Mom Brain website

Insane in the Mom Brain Facebook

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Interview with Patti Ford
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