Mommy's Cocktail Hour

Mommy's Cocktail Hour

#49 - Free For All

April 07, 2013

One more episode until our 50th episode celebration. Come on, we’re a cocktail podcast…we’ll celebrate anything and everything.

This upcoming Saturday, April 13th, 2013 will be our live show for episode #50. Simply go to our website at 7:30pm Central to watch and listen to the live broadcast. There’s lots of talk about #50 in episode #49.

Mommy's Cocktail Hour Live Show

You can find the Facebook invite here – Mommy’s Cocktail Hour Live Show for Episode #50. Share it with your friends and host a listening/viewing party!

We will take your calls during the live broadcast. Call us! 309-517-0656

You can also call that number anytime before the show to leave a message, but we’d love to hear from you during the show! Anyone that calls in will get a special treat sent via mail to your home. Then, everyone that calls in will have their names put in the hat for the big drawings.

You can also tweet at us during the live episode by using the hashtag #MCHLIVE

Some things you can expect in Episode #50:

* Sumo fruit (boobie-oranges).

* Loaded Questions

* Trinity Cups

* Drunk Reading Rainbow

Krissi has chosen the drink for Episode #50 and here’s the recipe, so you can enjoy it too:

Pair of TittiesPair of Ta-Ta’s

Frambroise (Lindeman’s Lambic) and Angry Orchard Cider (or any hard cider)- 50/50 mix.

We’re all drinking different beverages (aka emptying the liquor cabinets) tonight, thus the episode title “Free For All”.

Fabulous Finds

Tawny – Bates Motel (tv show)

Beth – Pacific Natural Foods Thai Sweet Potato Soup (also gluten-free and vegan). By the way, you can buy this soup through our Amazon affiliate program. It won’t cost you anything extra and it will help us out. Buy this soup on Amazon here!

Krissi – Dyeing Easter eggs with onion peels.

Beth starts the chat-time off with a Squishy story. Squishy “had work to do” in the dirt with his “dirty instrument”. Tawny dips her toes into construction. Sweetness picks up the slack when Lindsay is sick and helps with the house-work. Lindsay is also worried that Clifford is becoming Sweetness Part II. We talk a little about the differences with raising boys.

Krissi celebrates Easter by throwing her back out. A co-worker thinks the cause is a lack of muscle tone. Tawny has her own theory. Peanut has headaches brought on by the color grey. In the middle of conversation, Krissi drops a Hellen Keller joke. I bet you thought you’d never hear anything like that on this podcast.

Then Tawny talks about her struggles with Princess. Do you ever feel like you don’t “like” your child? Then we get into the Easter Bunny discussion and ungrateful kids.