Mommy's Cocktail Hour

Mommy's Cocktail Hour

#42 - Shut Your Pie-Hole

January 31, 2013

Beth serves up tonight’s drink, Shut Your Pie-Hole:

1/2 cup Fresh Lime Juice

2 squirts of Agave Nectar

1.5 cups of Vanilla Vodka

1.5 cups of Light Run

3/4 cup Coconut Milk (the kind in a paper container)

Rim with Graham Crackers

Makes 9 servings

Shut Your Pie-Hole

Beth, Lindsay and Tawny are back in the saddle after missing a week because Tawny had the flu and bronchitis. Tawny reads some iTune reviews. We would love to read your reviews. You can leave us a review on iTunes by clicking on this link!


We are very excited about our new iTunes logo. Thank you so much to our friend Andie for designing it for us. You can check out her Etsy page here – AndiePaperie.

We also have a mailing list now…and it’s been deemed as “sexy”. You can sign up on the side of our page, or by clicking here: Mommy’s Cocktail Hour Mailing List. Join the mailing list by February 28th to have your name entered in a drawing. We have yet to figure out what the prize is, but it will be good!

We also have a Google+ Community. Facebook kind of screws us by only letting a few of you see our Facebook posts. Well, if you are on Google+, you should join the Mommy’s Cocktail Hour Community over there.

Do you have an Etsy shop that you’d like to let our listeners know about? We are now selling advertising spots for people that are creative and want to share their products with our community. For just $10, you can advertise your Etsy shop on our podcast. It’s the “$10 Pop Etsy Shop”. Send an email to for more information.

Fabulous Finds

Tawny – Evernote.

Beth – The Solar System Song (YouTube video) from KidsTV123

Lindsay – Sobe Life Water (Blood Orange and Mango), My Fitness Pal app, YMCA Les Mills.

During the Fabulous Finds portion of the show, Beth tells you how to get through the check-out line without your child wanting gum or candy. You might want to give it a try. Sweetness is a our little shining artist. Her sculpture is being displayed at the Figge Art Museum.

We play a voicemail from Vanessa from Simple Life Together Podcast. This podcast is great. We’ve been talking about it for a few episodes now. Do you feel like your life is chaotic? This podcast gives you REAL suggestions on how to simplify and organize your life.

This leads to a conversation about children and television….and Squishy with his crumpets. We find out from Lindsay that television is a babysitter for many reasons. It is a struggle to find a balance of television viewing for children, especially in the dead of winter. What are your strategies with allowing your children to watch television? We want to hear your approach to this. You can tweet at us, leave us a comment on Facebook or on Google+.

Princess loses her first tooth and the tooth fairy has a dirty little secret. Princess is selling Girl Scout Cookies for the first time. Bruiser drops her first “Jesus Christ”, channeling Paula Deen. Because of her unpredictability, Tawny fears every time Bruiser goes to the front of church for Children’s Church. Clifford has learned the dreaded word….”no”. Apparently, Sweetness sees herself as her dad’s wing-man.