Mom Inspired Show with Amber Sandberg

Mom Inspired Show with Amber Sandberg

Would homeschooling be a good option for your family? Durenda Wilson: 250 (REPLAY)

July 27, 2021

Are you wondering if homeschooling would be best for your family?

Today I have mom of 8, author, and homeschooling mom Durenda Wilson on the show.  She shared with us how she became an author and how that process looked like for her to write a book. She mentioned that she  was hesitant to write a book but after several people nudging her to do it she realized that her gifting is writing.  Durenda shares with us how homeschooling is different from public school  and that home life is a great representation of the real life.  Also,  how homeschooling allows for kids to move more, get outside and be able to have order the way it fits your family the best. She found that when her boys started to provoke their sisters she knew they needed to blow off physical energy that they wouldn't be able to do in a public school setting.  She also shares with us about going at a slower pace and how that can be beneficial and that we don't learn very well under stress.  Lastly, we talk about curriculum, and how everyone wants that's golden egg that will turn their child into a prodigy or get into college, and just doesn't exist.  Also, that you have to think about the curriculum for the parent as well as for the child. Hear what she has to say about this topic and more on the podcast.

If you liked this episode make sure to check out the 4 part series I did on homeschooling, click HERE

I am now a certified life coach and wanting to help moms beyond the podcast!
Are you living a life too small for you but too afraid to take that first step?
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Guest info:
Durenda Wilson
