Mom Inspired Show with Amber Sandberg
Managing loneliness series: Maintaining Friendship: Jennifer Thompson: 225
Have you been struggling with maintaining your friendships during the pandemic?
Today we have Jennifer Thompson back on the show to share with us how life has been during the pandemic regarding friendships. As we were talking about this topic she shared with us that before COVID-19 her she always enjoyed her friends from out of state coming to visit at her house a few times a month and that it has been hard to no longer connect in that way. Also that she has noticed that she isn't reaching out to friends as often because she has been home with the kids helping them with school as most of you can relate too! She is finding it has been hard to not be connected as she used to be to those friends! Jennifer did mention that a few positive things have come from all of this and one of those things is that she has learned to slow down and not rush from here to there and not only has she really enjoyed it but so has her youngest child. Also, she has learned to create more space to be more present and to not feel guilty over it. One topic that Jennifer mentioned when it comes to friends that she tries really hard to not put a lot of expectations on others and to give them grace. That her friends have shown her grace over the years and she wants to be able to give that to others as well. Hear what she says about this topic and more on the podcast.
If you enjoyed this episode make sure to check the first three episodes of this series
Mental Health with Melissa Sharpe. Click HERE
Grief with Heidi MClaughlin. Click HERE
Finding Community with Lindsay Young. Click HERE
Do you follow me on Instagram, if not make sure to check me out over at mominspiredliving if you heard my story I am not able to fully access my old account which was ambersandberg so I had to move everything over to this new account and start from scratch!
Guest Info:
Jennifer Thompson