Mom Inspired Show with Amber Sandberg

Mom Inspired Show with Amber Sandberg

Keeping our sanity during the holidays series: Ditch Perfectionism : Jaclyn Zubiena: 214

November 17, 2020

Does perfectionism steal important moments in your life?
Today we have Jaclyn Zubiena on the show to talk about enjoying more time with our family and letting go of that never ending to do list.  With the holidays just around the corner it is so easy to keep adding to our list, to the point where we feel burned out!  Jaclyn mentions that it is so important to simplify and weed out the "shoulds".  Do you find yourself saying " I should do this or I really should of done that differently?", she encourages us that we really need to clean that self talk up and show ourselves more self love and compassion.  She challenges us to shorten our to do list so we can have more time with our family and for ourselves.  She points out that if we don't keep refilling our cup we will have nothing to give to our loved ones. Jaclyn also talks about letting go of what was normal and creating new traditions.  To shift our focus from things we can't control to the things we can. One point that stood out to me was when Jaclyn said that perfectionism steals moments in our lives that we can't get back. Hear what she says about this topic and more on the podcast.

If you liked this episode make sure to check out the first episode 212 and second episode 213 of this series:
Keeping our sanity during the holidays:planning:
Keeping our sanity during the holidays: daily routines

"My Favorite Things" Segment:
Travel!  Where can we travel too right now outside of the U.S.?

 If you are looking for a Caribbean getaway, you have plenty of options. Mexico, St. Lucia, Turks and Caicos, Jamaica, Belize, Aruba, etc are all places someone can travel to at this very moment.  Other destinations like St Kitts/Nevis and Curacao are in the process of reopening.  Make sure to reach out to me at and we can start brainstorming your vacation plans for 2021!

Guest Info:

Jaclyn Zubiena
