Mom Inspired Show with Amber Sandberg

Mom Inspired Show with Amber Sandberg

Keeping fit as a single mom of 3 :Melissa Vogel: 368

December 19, 2023

Are you having a hard time getting your workouts in?

In today's episode of the Mom Inspired Show, I have Melissa Vogel mom of 3, on the show to share with us why it's so important to prioritize getting stronger. Not only is Melissa a mom of 3, she is a single mom and shares with us how she weaves in her workouts even with a busy schedule. Not only does she make time to train, she also runs her own business. We chat about how having the right mindset is key to achieving your goals even when life is challenging. Hear what we have to say about this topic and more on the podcast.

Podcast Road Map ( in 2019 I lost over 50lbs and kept it off so now I coach other moms to do the same) Looking to start somewhere, check out my podcast road map below:

This roadmap will take you step-by-step through the TOP 10 Best & Most Effective weight loss podcast episodes.

If you like this episode make sure to check out the one I did with with Andrea Herbert.:

Guest Info:
Melissa Vogel

