Podcasts with Sarah Lawrence at Mom on a Spiritual Journey

Podcasts with Sarah Lawrence at Mom on a Spiritual Journey

Let your spirit guides speak - interview with Debra Engle

November 02, 2016

Let Your Spirit Guides Speak – podcast with Debra Landwehr Engle
Recently I was asked to review Debra Landwehr Engle’s book Let Your Spirit Guides Speak: A Simple Guide for a Life of Purpose, Abundance, and Joy.
I saw that she was offering interview time so I took her up on her kind offer – so this book review is also a podcast where Debra and I get to discuss the nature of our Spirit Guides, how to connect with them, grow relationships with them and more.
I hope you make time to listen to the podcast
I can guarantee that if you are interested either in beginning to connect with your Spirit Guides or wanting to create a stronger relationship with them – you will learn something from this podcast and also from Debra’s book Let Your Spirit Guides Speak: A Simple Guide for a Life of Purpose, Abundance, and Joy.
Spirit Guides in White Jogging Suits!
One of the questions I asked Debra was how she first came into contact with her Spirit Guides.
She answered that it was both a gradual process where a comfort and presence was available to her in a number of different situations – then when Debra went to see a Past Life Regressionist she was taken to a time before she came into this life.
During the Past Life Regression, Debra saw her whole team of guides – she felt intuitively or knew somehow that these people were her Spirit Guides – dressed in white jogging suits!
This really validated an experience of mine, because often my Spirit Guides like to disco dance across my vision or generally act in a funny manner. Mine usually wear robes and flip them around – dare I say they also flip them up sometimes too to make me laugh.
Debra calls this the ‘Snoopy Dance’. When you do connect with your Spirit Guides, you will feel a sense of joy, so do celebrate the moment!
Everybody on the Planet has Spirit Guides – time to create the relationship
Imagine your guides as nearby neighbors…perhaps living in a house with a different vibration, but still very nearby. Invite them over in your mind for coffee, even pizza.
Debra recommends connecting with your guides on a regular basis, even at a regular time of day. Chat, think about or even make time to write down insights from your guides. Do this regularly, and you will create stronger connections with your Spirit Guides and they will appreciate the focused time you can spend together.
Think of the guides as family members who are always around. You wouldn’t ignore them or leave them out of a meal or coffee if a family were in the house, so make sure you include the guides in your activities in some part of your day too.
Debra’s writing guide Ella ended up contributing quite a large chunk of content to the book and you can read her quotes throughout. I let the energy pick a quote and this one came up
Your capacity to know and understand yourself may be the most important by-product of partnering with your guides.
Our guides can help us know ourselves and understand ourselves better
One of the main reasons to connect with your Spirit Guides and create some kind of relationship is that our guides can help us to

* understand our natural gifts, talents, and abilities
* interpret events and situations from the higher spiritual perspective
* learning to appreciate that life experiences are as much about growth as the experience itself.

How do I know I am in touch with my Spirit Guides?
Our Spirit Guides can contact us in a number of ways, some you may not expect or even realize until later.
Here are some examples

* Hearing an internal voice
* Seeing visions
* Colors