The Ready State Podcast

The Ready State Podcast

Dr. Darren Candow: The Myths, Facts, and Vast Benefits of Creatine Supplementation

July 13, 2023

Dr. Darren Candow, PhD, CSEP-CEP, is Professor and Director of the Aging Muscle and Bone Health Laboratory in the Faculty of Kinesiology and Health Studies at the University of Regina, Canada. The overall objectives of Dr. Candow’s internationally renowned research program are to develop effective lifestyle interventions involving nutrition (primarily creatine monohydrate) and physical activity (resistance training) which have practical and clinical relevance for improving musculoskeletal aging and reducing the risk of falls and fractures.

We had our minds absolutely blown by Dr. Candow's wealth of knowledge and extensive research on creatine. We cover some myths, facts and how every human can benefit from creatine supplementation.
