Mobile Presence

Mobile Presence

Latest Episodes

Teaching Machines To Maximize Your App Marketing Results And ROI
April 04, 2019

App marketing powered by machine learning and AI allows app marketers to identify the events, audiences and ad creatives that can take their campaigns to the next level. Google and Facebook may have been the pioneers, but their dominance is challenge

Are you falling victim to app install fraud?
March 27, 2019

The dirty secret is: if you’re paying for app installs, then you can be a victim of app install fraud. These fake installs don’t just burn cash; they muddy the data that you need to focus campaigns and measure results. Our host Peggy Anne Salz welcom

Are you falling victim to app install fraud?
March 27, 2019

The dirty secret is: if you’re paying for app installs, then you can be a victim of app install fraud. These fake installs don’t just burn cash; they muddy the data that you need to focus campaigns and measure results. Our host Peggy Anne Salz welcom

Navigating the jungle of mobile ad creatives in 2019
March 20, 2019

How can app marketers operate (and excel) at the intersection of ad creatives and performance marketing? To crack the code marketers don’t need necessarily need algorithms, but they do need to get smart about how they evaluate ad creatives and harnes

Building up your personal brand and building out your app marketing footprint
March 07, 2019

Learn how to expand your personal brand through networking and extend your appeal through TV advertising with Gessica Bicego, Director of Performance Marketing, Blinkist, a microlearning company--and top-rated app--that offers users key ideas from be

Amp Up Your Advertising With Audio Programmatic To Reach Highly-Engaged Audiences
March 04, 2019

Thanks to streaming your audience listen to more music and podcasts than ever before. Data from 2017 reveals that users tune in for an average of 33 hours a week in the U.S. alone, and the momentum shows no signs of slowing. Little wonder that audio

De-Bunking Popular Myths Around Mobile Ad Fraud With Adjust
February 20, 2019

The meteoric rise of mobile ad fraud is enough to make any app marketer anxious. But they don’t have to be victims if they know what to look for and the actions to take. Our host Peggy Anne Salz from MobileGroove catches up with Andreas Naumann, Hea

Learning AR Storytelling from USA Today Network To Bring Audiences Deeper Into Your Content
February 13, 2019

AR is going mainstream, enabling brands and marketers to tell amazing and immersive stories, so why wait to test the waters? We learn how to choose and tell stories with the help AR from Ray Soto, Director of Emerging Tech for the USA TODAY NETWORK,

Your App Reviews Are Pure Gold—So Start Mining Them For Insights
February 06, 2019

Your app users are sharing why they love or hate your app freely in app reviews. Understanding what they say—and what it really means—is pure old when it comes to fixing bugs, adding features or just showing you care when it counts. But when you get

Weatherbug: Jump Head First Into In-App Header Bidding
January 30, 2019

Don’t just read the reams of 2019 trends reports that call out in-app header bidding as the next “Big Thing” in mobile app monetization. “Get involved now, or risk leaving money on the table” is the top advice we get from Michael Brooks, SVP Revenue