MotherNature CSI

MotherNature CSI

NYC Friends & Family - Coping with COVID-19

April 06, 2020

This is continuing coverage of the Coronavirus pandemic on MotherNature CSI podcast. Since I can’t get out and about to ask how you’re doing – I’m talking to family and friends around the country by phone, Skype and Zoom. My family is much like yours, and we’re all dealing with a lot of the same issues.

Today, you’ll hear from my cousin Georgia. She lives in New York City with her husband and 20-year-old son. New York is now being called the epicenter of the Coronavirus pandemic.

Georgia wants others outside of New York City to know that while they’re scared, they are continuing to go on with their lives. Both she and her husband are both working from home due to the pandemic. Her husband, Bart, is a psychotherapist who spends his days talking to patients by phone, Skype, and Zoom. She works for a company providing counseling services to corporations, many of whom are hospitals and organizations based in New York.

“We’re luckier than most,” Georgia says. “We’re safe, we have food, supplies, we have love and we have each other, but we’re frightened. At night we hunker down, watch the news, get nervous and try to find ways to distract ourselves.”