My Ministry Breakthrough

Latest Episodes
2_01: Leonard Sweet – How Almonds Keep Us Focused on Jesus
Breakthrough Ideas with Len: Show me a weakness inventory and I will show you where God can bless others through your life. Our translation of the word “Word” for LOGOS is inadequate; we must embrace the tension.
22: Will Mancini – Stop Faking Disciples & Real Church Growth
Breakthrough ideas with Will: Will Mancini thinks that the Program-Church Paradigm must soon come to an end. Will Mancini unpacks the “Functional Great Commission” and involvement in church stuff rather than disciple-making.
21: Carol Pipes – LifeWay Communications
Breakthrough ideas with Carol: Church leaders need to be intentional with their communication beyond just Sunday sermons. The first question to ask in excellent church communication is ”Who is the audience?
20: John Parker – Visioneering Studios
Breakthrough ideas with John: You will commit more money to church buildings and renovations than anything else, ever. It takes a trusted guide to ensure your budget, vision, and environments align during a building project.
19: Chad Keck – FBC Kettering, OH
Breakthrough ideas with Chad: It is possible to out-envision your vision by building and buying too much. How do you lead when your available ministry budget is less than 5%? How do you lead active ministry when there are no resources?
18: Greg Gibbs – Auxano Resourcing
Breakthrough ideas with Greg: Opening your home, giving people access to you, can be a spiritual commitment. The second someone walks through the door into your home; people can sniff out love, acceptance, and grace.
17: Nick Floyd – Cross Church, Northwest AR
Breakthrough ideas in this episode: It is essential to stop and recount the faithfulness of God. Keep memorials in front of yourself and your people to mark how God has moved. What are the characteristics of a church built on dynamic worship and stron...
16: Jeff Meyer – The Church, Madison WI
Breakthrough ideas with Jeff: If your church is going to reach your city, your people must embrace their calling as missionaries. Do our seminaries train us to only care for people inside the walls, and not those outside the walls?
15: Doug Paul – East End Fellowship, Richmond VA
Breakthrough ideas with Doug: How does a church begin as an accidental church plant? If the Kingdom of God were to come to your town, would it look like your church? Is a church a church until they hold their first worship service?
14: Marty Jacumin – Bay Leaf Baptist, Raleigh NC
Breakthrough ideas with Marty: How can a church effectively reach all five of the generations alive today? Wake Forest University is not in Wake Forest, North Carolina, and other learning. Young leaders leaving seminary have a far greater chance to end...