My Ministry Breakthrough

My Ministry Breakthrough

Latest Episodes

2_11: Jay Cull: Disciples are made through personal calling not church programming.
February 01, 2020

Breakthrough ideas with Jay:  What does it look like to move from being a “church for the unchurched” to being a “church among the unchurched?” How do we activate and motivate people where they live, work, and study and play to carry their faith beyond...

2_10: Will Mancini – The secret to maximizing every moment of your one and only life
January 09, 2020

Breakthrough ideas with Will: What is the process of designing the life that God dreamed of you? What does it mean to be co-creators of your life, with God Because we have been saved, we are not just freed from sin; we for living a life of good work.

2_09: Bob Adams – A masterclass on reading for a new decade of church leadership
December 29, 2019

Breakthrough ideas with Bob:  Reading becomes caught more than taught, a practice handed down generation to generation. Reading will help you learn critical thinking skills. Critical thinking skills are an essential part of leadership.

2_08: Bob Bergmann – What story does the design of your church tell?
December 12, 2019

Breakthrough ideas with Bob: The church needs to go where all the people are going. Visioneering Studios is called to help the church put to form the stories about the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven. Every building tells a story,

2_07: Cory Hartman – Stop wasting words convincing people to show up
November 28, 2019

Breakthrough ideas with Cory: How can you use the written word to extend your reach? Is there a way to leverage your weekly content to make disciples? What are the best possible ways to shape and leverage your content for disciple-making outside of you...

2_06: Dr. Jon Roebuck – Actually talk with people… don’t just preach at them.
November 14, 2019

Breakthrough ideas with Jon: How can a church stay relevant to their culture? How can a church stay relational to the communities in which God has placed them? How can a church remain resolute to their DNA and their calling?

2_05: Todd McMichen – Get ready to receive an alpaca: a generational look at generosity
October 31, 2019

Breakthrough ideas with Todd:  74% of churches have online giving, but they only receive about 15% of their income through digital avenues. 90% of our personal wealth is contained in our assets not in liquid cash – what if your church had a way to enab...

2_04: Todd Wilson – Church Multiplication & Your Sweet Spot Calling
October 17, 2019

Breakthrough ideas with Todd:  What’s the difference between a church plant and a church that’s planted to be a church-planting church? Imagine if somebody offered you a job where you’re 100% in your sweet spot What does it mean to work 100% of my time...

2_03: Daniel Im – Should You Stay or Should You Go?
October 03, 2019

Breakthrough ideas with Daniel:  What does it look like to live your life with our hands wide open saying, “Lord, here we are?” Every leader, every pastor, goes through those seasons where restlessness clouds every conversation. What do you do?

2_02: Jen Wilkin – A Gut Check on Biblical Literacy & Sound Preaching
September 19, 2019

Breakthrough Ideas with Jen: When you’re a single woman in the church, you usually kind of keep moving around because you don’t always fit very well. We treated the Bible like it was magical, like if I open it up the Holy Spirit was just going to drop ...