A Bar Above Podcast

A Bar Above Podcast

Latest Episodes

Disengaged and Negative Coworkers: How to fix it (or deal with it!)
June 05, 2019

https://www.mixologytalk.com/153   What do you do when a coworker hates their job and makes your life miserable? Before you quit in exasperation, here are some ideas for trying to make things better.  

All About Mead with Samuel Boulton
May 22, 2019

https://www.mixologytalk.com/152 Ever used Mead in a cocktail? It might just be the next big hipster beverage, and this week have we have Mead expert Samuel Boulton on the podcast to teach us all about it!

Bar Education and Bar Convent Brooklyn: A Chat with Angus Winchester
May 08, 2019

https://www.mixologytalk.com/151 It’s already conference season! Bar Convent Brooklyn is coming in just a few weeks, and is a great event if you’re a bartender looking to learn and grow. Join us this week as we chat with their head of education...

Introducing the A Bar Above Store!
April 24, 2019

https://www.mixologytalk.com/150   It’s a day we’ve been waiting years for - and it’s here! The A Bar Above Store is officially open for business. Listen in for the whole story, including some hints at what’s coming and a few hiccups we...

Raising your Prices: When and How (without Losing all your Regulars)
April 03, 2019

https://www.mixologytalk.com/149   Time to raise prices? Don’t chicken out! Here are some tips for increasing your menu prices in a way that’s good for the bottom line and doesn’t scare away your customers. (I promise!)

Bartender Super heroes: Super Powers You didn't Even Know you Had
March 20, 2019

https://www.mixologytalk.com/148 Your regulars might call you a “super hero” all the time, but I would argue that bartenders really are modern day superheroes. Listen in for a fun episode all about the “super powers” that experienced...

How to NOT Poison your Guests, with Camper English
March 06, 2019

https://www.mixologytalk.com/147   It’s great to get creative with your cocktail recipes, but how do prevent your creativity from going too far? This week we’re chatting with Camper English about keeping cocktails safe.

Top Conversations from 1,000 Bartenders & Cocktail Lovers
February 20, 2019

What happens when you get 1,000 bartenders and cocktail enthusiasts in the same place to talk cocktails?

Staying Sharp with an Empty Bar
February 06, 2019

https://www.mixologytalk.com/145 It’s February and it’s… quiet. Crickets at your bar. How can you use this time to stay sharp and improve your skills so you’re ready when folks show up again for St. Patrick’s Day?

Big Trends and New Products from the 2019 Fancy Food Show
January 23, 2019

MixologyTalk.com/144 What’s new in booze? We went to the Fancy Food Show in San Francisco to Find out! Here are the key trends and most interesting new products we found.