Miss Adventure Podcast

Miss Adventure Podcast

001—Why we travel

September 30, 2017

In this introductory episode to the Miss Adventure podcast, hosts Chandler O’Leary and Mary Holste discuss why they travel. Topics and locations discussed include Chandler’s travel sketchbooks, her work on her West Coast Atlas (due in 2019), day trips to Seattle, Orcas Island, active recovery, artist dates, family trips, Route 66, secret trips, the Oregon Trail, and Chandler’s 6500-mile road trip.


Dog Jaunt – Mary-Alice Pomputius


Chandler O’Leary is an illustrator, letterer(erer) and entrepreneur living and working in Tacoma, Washington. She graduated from the Rhode Island School of Design (RISD), and has run an in-house imprint, Anagram Press, since 2004. She posts sketchbook drawings and road-trip-themed artwork on my illustrated travel blog, Drawn the Road Again. She is a co-author of Dead Feminists, published in 2016 by Sasquatch Books.

Mary Holste is a graphic designer, artist, and entrepreneur living and working in Tacoma, Washington. She graduated with with a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Pacific Lutheran University. Since 2007, she has been running her own graphic design business, Side x Side Creative. The art mediums she is currently exploring are photography, aquatints, and cyanotype.

Sketches mentioned in this episode

Lindstrom, Minnesota

A hotel on Route 66