Miseducation of Mom

Miseducation of Mom

MOM #16 : Self-Compassion RSVP

February 09, 2018

In this unLEARNing adventure, I invite you to reconsider how you notice and acknowledge the gifts in your experiences with consolation and desolation.

In any given moment we have the freedom to choose how we will respond and react to consolation (things that make us feel alive and embraced) and desolation (things that anger us or drain our energy). What we can learn is how to expand our capacity to remember our freedom and our belonging in both those opportunities. Join me as we decelerate together and unLEARN to learn. ReEducate your HEARt and courageously reThink.

Download the Spring Mini Coloring Devotional that I designed and penned: http://bit.ly/springdevotional

Discover more and let's connect!

Mohawkmomma Studio
Mohawkmomma Studio