Mino Bimaadiziwin - Conversations on Addictions and Mental Wellness

Ep 25: Meth and Crystal Meth - Strategies to Address the Crisis with Barbara Ann Horner
"This drug is designed and made to be addictive. It's designed and made to replace your dopamine. It's entire purpose as a chemical is to cause these actions and reactions."
Carol welcomes Barbara Ann Horner back to Mino Bimaadiziwin for an important conversation about methamphetamines, crystal meth, what they are, their effects and strategies to address the meth crisis. Barbara Ann is Thunderbird’s regional mental wellness Coordinator for British Columbia. Barbara Ann was also recent guest on this podcast talking about the dangers of xylazine. Definitely check that out if you haven’t already.
Barbara Ann's post-secondary studies include Women and Genders trauma-based addiction counseling. Her training along with a passion for harm reduction resulted in tenured expertise in frontline crisis intervention. Barbara-Ann is also a strong advocate for safer spaces and unbiased inclusion. Living off the land and holistic healing are close to Barbara-Ann’s heart and inform her existence and practice. This has resulted in her special relationship with saging and land-body healing methods. In her private life, Barbara-Ann is proud to be known as a mother, grandmother, auntie and friend.
For more on the work of Thunderbird Partnership Foundation, please visit our website at www.thunderbirdpf.org
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Mino Bimaadiziwin is produced by the Thunderbird Partnership Foundation and David McGuffin of Explore Podcast Productions.
Our theme music is by Courtney Riley, Chippewas of the Thames First Nation.