Mino Bimaadiziwin - Conversations on Addictions and Mental Wellness

Mino Bimaadiziwin - Conversations on Addictions and Mental Wellness

Ep 19: Virtual Treatment Centres for Drug and Alcohol Addiction with Wanda Smith

July 05, 2023

What role does Virtual Treatment play in drug and alcohol addiction rehabilitation? A fire four-and-a-half years ago at the Native Horizons Treatment Centre in the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation meant they had to find that out well before COVID made virtual care a widespread reality. Their Executive Director, Wanda Smith, joins host Carol Hopkins for a discussion on what she and her team have learned in those years, including what differences virtual outreach treatment services have made to programming and clients, are there

innovations arising from virtual treatment delivery, and how have connections to culture been facilitated through virtual services?

For 35 years Wanda Smith has been the Executive Director for Native Horizons Treatment Centre. Her career in the field of First Nations addictions has spanned 45 years in various positions from Community Youth Counsellor, to Native Addictions Program Teaching Master at Northern College in Timmins, to Executive Director for White Buffalo Youth Treatment Centre, Sturgeon Lake, Saskatchewan. 

Native Horizons focuses on healing individuals, families and

communities challenged by substance use and the related mental

health issues for over thirty years. It does this with virtual and

Residential, culturally-centered services in a nurturing, home-like

atmosphere, ideal for long-lasting healthy lifestyles.

For more on the work of Thunderbird Partnership Foundation, please visit our website at www.thunderbirdpf.org

You can find us on social media by searching for ThunderbirdPF  

Mino Bimaadiziwin is produced by the Thunderbird Partnership Foundation and David McGuffin of Explore Podcast Productions.  

Our theme music is by Courtney Riley, Chippewas of the Thames First Nation.