Mino Bimaadiziwin - Conversations on Addictions and Mental Wellness

Mino Bimaadiziwin - Conversations on Addictions and Mental Wellness

Ep 18: "Doing What You Gotta Do For Your People" - Theresa Crow-Spreading-His-Wings and Sandra Malcolm

June 23, 2023

Host Carol Hopkins is very happy to be joined by Theresa Crow-Spreading-His-Wings and Sandra Malcolm from the Native Addictions Council of Manitoba, for a lively and fascinating discussion about the addictions workforce, specifically the certification in addictions core competencies and the investment their organization is making in their workforce. They also talk about the role of treatment centers in addressing the opioid and meth addiction crisis faced by many First Nations and the importance of traditional knowledge and ceremony in that. 

This conversation is part of a series of conversations highlighting the good work of First Nations treatment centres in offering quality services. 

Theresa is the Executive Director of NACM. She is a Blackfoot First Nations woman from the Blood Tribe in Treaty 7 Territory in Standoff, Alberta. Theresa grew up in the Child Welfare System, as part of the 60’s scoop and the heart-work of her healing journey has been anchored in being a mother of two adult children and two grandchildren. Theresa moved to Winnipeg in 2004 where she has been serving the inner-city community, as an advocate for adults, youth and families that are struggling with addictions, poverty and mental wellbeing.

Sandra Malcolm is the Program Coordinator at NACM. Sandra’s background is in nursing and specialization in mental health and addiction. She obtained extensive experience working in a variety of addiction treatment centers, health sectors, and with marginalized individuals struggling with addictions and mental health challenges.  

For more on the work of Thunderbird Partnership Foundation, please visit our website at www.thunderbirdpf.org You can find us on social media by searching for ThunderbirdPF  

Mino Bimaadiziwin is produced by the Thunderbird Partnership Foundation and David McGuffin of Explore Podcast Productions.  

Our theme music is by Courtney Riley, Chippewas of the Thames First Nation.