MinistryWatch Podcast

MinistryWatch Podcast

Ep. 167: Tavner Smith, the Orthodox Presbyterian Church, and a Generosity Generation Gap

February 10, 2022

On today’s program, there’s a generation gap among evangelical givers.  We’ll take a closer look at a new survey.  And victims of a church shooting receive a massive financial pay out from the US Government.  We begin today with the story of a Tennessee pastor returning to the pulpit just weeks after he was removed for having an inappropriate relationship.

If you have a story you’d like us to cover, or a ministry that you think needs a closer look, please email us.  Our email is  That will come directly to my desk, and we’ll take it from there.

Also, a reminder that we’ll be doing a FREE webinar next week.  I’ll be interviewing Michael MacKenzie about his new book “Don’t Blow Up Your Ministry.”  It’s a great book for pastors, ministry leaders – and those who care about them.  Though the webinar is FREE, you do need to sign up.  To do so, look for the link in my daily MinistryWatch emails.  We’re limiting this webinar to 150 people, and we’re more than halfway there, so sign up soon.

Finally, you can help the program by leaving us a rating on your podcast app.  The  more ratings we get, the easier it is for others to find us.  It’s a quick, easy, and free way you can support MinistryWatch.

The producers for today’s program are Rich Roszel and Ben Warwick We get database and other technical support from Cathy Goddard, Stephen DuBarry, and Casey Sudduth.  Writers who contributed to today’s program include Anne Stych, Terry Wallace, Kim Roberts, Erik Tryggestad, and Rod Pitzer.

Special thanks to The NonProfit Times and Christian Chronicle for contributing material for this week’s podcast.

Until next time, may God bless you.