MinistryWatch Podcast

MinistryWatch Podcast

Ep. 96: Warren Smith Discusses “Faith Based Fraud”

April 27, 2021

I recently did an interview about the book with my friend Bill Feltner of the Pilgrim Radio Network.  It’s one of the great Christian radio networks in the country, serving millions of people in the mountain west.  The interview was for Bill’s “His People” program.  When I got a chance to listen to the interview, I thought it captured what the book is about, and what MinistryWatch is about, in ways that I wanted to share with you.

So, this week’s “MinistryWatch Extra” episode is my conversation with the Pilgrim Radio Network’s Bill Feltner, as we discuss our newly re-published book, “Faith Based Fraud.”

Here at MinistryWatch we bring you news about Christian ministries, as well as the latest in charity and philanthropy, all designed to help us become better stewards of the resources God has entrusted to us. Regular listeners to the program know that each Friday I do a survey of the week’s news with my co-host Natasha Smith.  But these mid-week “MinistryWatch Extra” episodes are just that, something a bit extra, a bit different, that we hope will help you understand a bit more fully what we’re up to here at MinistryWatch.  What we do and why and how we do it.

An important project of MinistryWatch over the past year has been the production of a new book, “Faith-Based Fraud:  Learning from the Great Religious Scandals of our Time.”  MinistryWatch published 500 copies of that book last fall and we gave them away to our donors until they were gone.  Now, I’m pleased to report, a new version of the book is out from Wild Blue Press.  It’s currently available in print and e-book formats from Amazon.

The producers for today’s program are Rich Roszel and Steve Gandy.   We get database, technical, and editorial support from Cathy Goddard, Stephen DuBarry, Christina Darnell, and Casey Sudduth.

Until next time, may God bless you.