MinistryWatch Podcast

MinistryWatch Podcast

Ep. 22: Supreme Court Decisions Impact Ministries and GOD TV Booted From Israeli TV

July 02, 2020

On today’s program, The Supreme Court is handing down decisions on an almost daily basis.  We look at a couple of those decisions that will have an impact on churches and Christian ministries.  Also, GOD TV gets booted off the air in Israel.  We’ll explain why.  And we continue our Generous Living series with the story of a young couple in New York City who is giving away 90%  of what they earn and living on the remaining 10%.

If you’d like to read more about ANY of the stories we discussed on today’s program, just go to and you’ll find them right on the front page.

We also want to mention a new feature on the website.  On the last day of each month, we are going to publish the top 10 stories of that month.   We just started this feature, so you can go to the website now and see the top 10 stories for the month of June.  They include stories about Ravi Zacharias, the Southern Baptist Convention, Jerry Falwell and Liberty University, and the death of George Floyd, and what faith groups are doing to bring reconciliation and healing.  It’s a great way to reflect back on the stories that are likely to have a lasting impact.

Each week, Warren and Natasha bring you news about Christian ministries, as well as the latest in charity and philanthropy, all designed to help us become better stewards of the resources God has entrusted to us.

The producers for today’s program are Rich Roszel and Steve Gandy.   We get database and other technical support from Cathy Goddard, Stephen DuBarry, and Casey Sudduth.  Writers who contributed to today’s program include Christina Darnell, Walker Smith, Emily McFarlan Miller, Julie Roys, and Warren Smith.  Thanks to our friends at Religion News Service for contributing material to this week’s program.

May God bless you.