Ministry in Motion

Ministry in Motion

Rev. Cedric A. Harmon on Celebrating Black Theology and Human Sexuality

February 07, 2019

Cedric A. Harmon is the head of Many Voices, A black church movement for gay and transgender justice, a contributor to the Huffington Post, and a good friend of our host, Rt. Rev. Edward Donalson III, DMin.

Link to the Many Voices website:

Rev. Harmon's biography from Huffington Post:
As Executive Director of Many Voices: A Black Church Movement for LGBT Justice, Cedric works directly with Black religious leaders and other people of faith to engage diverse topics at the intersection of religion, faith and human sexuality. An ordained pastor affiliated with the National Baptist and Missionary Baptist Churches, he provides trainings, workshops, coaching, and presentations—always creating a safe space to connect the concerns of LGBT families with Black churches’ historic commitment to liberation, freedom, and justice.