The Mindsoak Project

The Mindsoak Project

Latest Episodes

64: The Andy Kelso Episode
April 28, 2017

Andy Kelso came on the show to give us a taste of the life of a broadway actor. He’s performed in Kinky Boots (that’s Tony Award Winner Kinky Boots to you…), Rent, Fiddler on the Roof, Mamma Mia and Wicked and he starred in the Amazon show “Good Girl R...

63: The Kathryn Brown Ramsperger Episode
April 20, 2017

I enjoyed the heck out of my conversation with Kathy Rampsperger. Listening and talking to genuine people always brings a smile to my face.

62: The Paul Lemley Episode 005
April 14, 2017

Since we last talked to Paul on January 13, 2017 he's taken a business idea from concept to raising venture capital to establishing a development team to prototyping the app to preparing for a beta launch next week. In just three months!

61: The Mike Filitti Episode
March 31, 2017

My dad is my hero. Always has been. Always will be. Mike Filitti is the most sincere, upfront, and genuine man you could meet. I’ve always envied his ability to say exactly what’s on his mind.

60: The Melanie Salvatore-August Episode
March 17, 2017

Melanie is the author of the recently released book, "Fierce Kindness: Be a Positive Force For Change" and the creator of Operation Fierce Kindness. She also wrote "Kitchen Yoga: Simple Home Practices to Transform Mind, Body,

59: The Sarah Aili Episode
March 03, 2017

Sarah Aili is a singer/songwriter who writes and performs songs in a variety of genres from pop, country, bluegrass and folk. She does the music thing. She goes on tour. She releases albums. She makes music videos.

58: The Dawn Garcia Episode
February 24, 2017

What I absolutely love about Dawn is her genuineness. She's all about exploring herself and the human condition. I ask some deep questions about her regrets and feelings of vulnerability. We explore letting go of false beliefs and what she admires abou...

57: The Brad Cavanagh Episode
February 03, 2017

I’ve known Brad Cavanagh for almost ten years. But it seems like we’ve been friends for a lifetime. Brad is a social worker by trade, a professor, he’s been a therapist and he’s a deep thinker. Time with Brad, usually on a deck,

Resolute to the Ride
January 27, 2017

New Year's Eve has always been my favorite day of the year, and the subsequent weeks always find me on a particularly nefarious high. I feel emboldened and exhilarated- in the way only true change can make you feel.

Productivity, Entrepreneurship and Fitness – With Adam Ivy (Episode 55)
January 24, 2017

Adam Ivy is a man of many talents. As I learned more about Adam I needed to have him on to talk about productivity and entrepreneurship. Reading about Adam's story intrigued me to no end. He relentlessly pursues creating genuine content and brands.
